New version 2.0.0 available- by Florian from November 20th 2016
We are proud to announce that issuegraph made a big step forward. In the current version it is no longer required to install graphviz on your JIRA server.
From now on graph generation is made via JavaScript, thus client-side. This makes it far more convenient to use issuegraph, as there is no more need to contact your IT requesting them to install stuff on your server.
As usual some minor bugs were fixed in the current release.
And as always we are working on new ideas and improvements for issuegraph to better suit your needs.
New version 1.2.0 available- by Florian from June 19th 2016
Thanks to the help of Bert0r Issuegraph is now compatible to JIRA 7.x. The last version of Issuegraph 1.2.0 is tested with JIRA 7.1.8 and works fine.
In addition we fixed some minor bugs.
Once in full swing we pushed some new features and hopefully they will be production ready soon. So stay tuned.
New banner- by Florian from 4 April 2015

Along with the new logo a new promotion banner is introduced. I am not quiet sure where this banner is ever shown at the marketplace. However it looks pretty nice ;)
New logo- by Florian from 4 April 2015

Issue Graph has gotten a brand new logo. Right from the crowd sourcing wilderness of the internet this fabulous new logo emerged and will be the new eye catcher of issue graph.
The first approval process succeeded- by Florian from 1 April 2015

This is really not a prank ;). Version 1.1.4 is online at the atlassian marketplace now.
The approval process took some time- by Florian from 26 March 2015

Now it's been nearly two month since the plugin was submitted to approval. It turned out that there was a very persistent configuration issue I have not foreseen. So make sure, the bin folder of your graphviz installation is set into the same PATH variable as your JIRA_HOME.
Issue Graph 1.1.0 has been submitted to Atlassian Marketplace - by Florian from 08 Feb 2015

Alright it's done. I've finally submitted issuegraph to the atlassian marketplace. Now the approval process will take some time. Afterwards issuegraph will be available.
Preparing Issue Graph 1.1.0 release Part III - by Florian from 08 Feb 2015

Now it's been a whole month since the last progress. I've got a lot of provate issues to do. In addition the License-API of Atlassian took me very much time. It was quite exhausting but eventually I managed to implement a basic license check into the issuegraph plugin. Now I'll check the final requirements for the release of issuegraph.
Preparing Issue Graph 1.0.10 release Part II - by Florian from 08 Jan 2015

Business as usual in software development. The worst part is to document the software sufficiently. It's always postpone until the end and then it is quite annoying. Nevertheless atlassian guidelines require a meaningful documentation. So it have to be done... Soon...
Preparing Issue Graph 1.0.10 release - by Florian from 06 Jan 2015

Atlassian really stresses the patience of plug-in developers who initialy want to upload their plug-ins. There are a lot of guidelines to walk through. Right now I am stuck with the 'Branding your add-on' guide.
Bug-fixing Issue Graph- by Florian from 06 Jan 2015

Working on the issue graph plug-in for nearly two years now it seams to come to an end finally. I've tested a lot during the last weeks an added several improvements to the plug-in.
Homepage relaunch - by Florian from 02 Jan 2015

This page really needed a new design and a little momentum after several time of idle.